
Thursday, August 9, 2012

P is for ... Paganing Ceremony

This is the ritual I wrote for my children, which we performed at our Lughnassa celebration on August 4, 2012.  It didn't play out exactly as written below, but with kids, it never does :)  One difference I did make here is for the elemental blessings where it says "HPS", in actuality, each of my coven sisters and I volunteered for one, spoke for and presented the gifts of that element.  Each sister chose their own gift to represent their element, which to me made it more personal.  One of my sisters also gave each of the kids something extra-special after the ritual was complete to keep in their altar boxes.

Feel free to adapt this for your own use, keeping in mind that the children it was written for are 7, 4 and 2 months, which is why the older two had participatory parts.

Paganing Dedication Ritual
High Priestess Dydan Presiding

Materials needed
Dish of salt
Incense (Artemis blend)
Red candle
Bowl of water
Silver and gold candles
Goddess image
Cakes and Ale - don't laugh, we're having grape juice and Nilla wafers
Offering dish
candle holders
Rose oil (for kids' ritual baths)
Altar boxes and contents

Bathe kids with rose oil before everyone arrives.  Set up altar before hand, too. 

When everyone is ready, begin ritual.  Briefly explain to kids what is expected.  (i.e. We're going to cast the circle, say our parts, then have a little bit to eat/drink before ending the ritual.  We can eat more after.)
Cast the Circle

East:  Light the incense and say, "Spirits of Air, Guardians of the East, we invite you to this Circle to witness the introduction and Dedication of these children.  Hail and welcome."

South:  Light the candle and say, "Spirits of Fire, Guardians of the South, we invite you to this Circle to witness the introduction and Dedication of these children.  Hail and welcome."

West: Scatter drops of water about the Circle and say, "Spirits of Water, Guardians of the West, we invite you to this Circle to witness the introduction and Dedication of these children.  Hail and welcome."

North: Sprinkle salt around the Circle and say, "Spirits of Earth, Guardians of the North, we invite you to this Circle to witness the introduction and Dedication of these children.  Hail and welcome."

Center:  Lighting each candle in turn say, "Goddess, please hear us and attend our Circle, with your Consort, to witness the introduction and Dedication of these children.  Hail and welcome."

"The Circle is cast in this sacred space between the worlds."

HPS: We have come together for a very special ritual, a Paganing for (children's names).  While this ceremony will dedicate the Children to the path of the Mother, Goddess of All, and Her Consort, the Father God, it is not binding, and the children remain free to choose their own path when they are of age to do so; knowing that all paths lead to the same destination.

HPS:  (mom), as the mother of these children, is it your desire to have them Dedicated to the Goddess and Her Consort?

Mom:  Yes, it is.

HPS:  And do you promise to teach then and guide them on this Path your have chosen?

Mom:  I do.

HPS:  Will you love your children unconditionally, support them throughout their lives, and be the disciplinarian, friend and confidante they need?

Mom:  Always.

HPS:  (dad), (mom) has expressed and affirmed her desire to raise the children on a Pagan path.  Do you accept and support her in this?

Dad:  Yes, I do.

HPS:  You have chosen (child's name) to be your son and (child's name) to be your daughter, along with your son (child's name).  Do you promise to protect your children from what threatens them to the best of your ability, and to teach them to protect themselves?

Dad:  Yes.

HPS:  And will you love your children unconditionally, support them throughout their lives, and be the disciplinarian, friend and confidante they need?

Dad:  Always.

HPS:  (children's names), you have heard your parents' promises.  They want only the best for each of you.  Now, (children's names), it is time for you to make promises of your own.  Are you ready?

kids:  Yes.

HPS:  (children's names), do you promise to love and respect your parents, to listen when they teach and do your best to obey?

kids:  Yes.

HPS:  Do you accept the presence of the Goddess and God in your lives?

kids:  Yes.

HPS:  Do you promise to learn what you can about religions that interest you as you grow, so that when you are old enough you can choose the best path for you?

kids:  Yes.

HPS:  Who stands as witness to the Dedication of these children?

Coven:  We do.

HPS:  It is now time to greet and receive the blessings of the Elements.

face the children to the East

HPS:  In the name of Air, I greet you, (children's names).

kids:  We greet you, Air.

HPS:  From Air come the gifts of intellect and communication.  May you always have clear thought, wise judgment and eloquent expression.  I bestow upon you the gift of raven feathers so that you might always remember.

kids:  Thank you.

face the children South

HPS:  In the name of Fire, I greet you, (children's names).

kids:  We greet you, Fire.
HPS:  From Fire come the gifts of passion and strength.  May you be blessed with strong bodies and strength of character, and experience life fully.  I bestow upon you the gift of candles so that you might always remember.

kids:  Thank you.

face the children West

HPS:  In the name of Water, I greet you, (children's names).

kids:  We greet you, Water.

HPS:  From Water come the gifts of emotion and health.  May you find happiness, love and be loved always, and enjoy good health.  I bestow upon you the gift of abalone shells so that you might always remember.

kids:  Thank you.

face the children North

HPS:  In the name of Earth, I greet you, (children's names).

kids:  We greet you, Earth.

HPS:  From Earth come the gifts of stability and balance.  May you always feel secure in your environment, satisfied with your routines and centered within yourselves.  I bestow upon you the gift of pentacles so that you might always remember.

kids:  Thank you.

face the children Center

HPS:  The final element is Spirit, that which is found within.  As you learn and grow you will come to understand that the answers to all we seek may be found within ourselves.  The Goddess and God reside inside each and every one of us  We are the containers for all we will ever need.  In recognition of this, we now present you each with an altar box, in which you may keep the elemental gifts you have just received, as well as any other altar items you make or acquire.  Like you, the box is only the container, and you will find what you need inside.

kids:  Thank you.

HPS:  (children's names), you have now been recognized by the elemental spirits.  When you have need, you may call upon them and you will be heard.  You have been presented to the Goddess and God, and they will be with you always.

HPS:  The children have been Dedicated to this path their mother walks.  As a community, it is our responsibility to ensure they are given the proper guidance to learn and develop as they grow.  Who will pledge their support to the parents in their endeavor to raise their children with respect to their  chosen path?

Individual Coven members:  I will.

HPS:  So it is witnessed and so it is done.  So mote it be.

Coven:   So mote it be.

Cakes and Ale, with offering.  (Brief explanation for kids.)

Open Circle.

North:  "Spirits of Earth, Guardians of the North, we thank you for your presence and witnessing the Dedication of these children.  Stay if you will, go if you must.  Hail and farewell."

West:  "Spirits of Water, Guardians of the West, we thank you for your presence and witnessing the Dedication of these children.  Stay if you will, go if you must.  Hail and farewell."

South:  "Spirits of Fire, Guardians of the South, we thank you for your presence and witnessing the Dedication of these children.  Stay if you will, go if you must.  Hail and farewell."

East:  "Spirits of Air, Guardians of the East, we thank you for your presence and witnessing the Dedication of these children.  Stay if you will, go if you must.  Hail and farewell."

"The Circle is open, but never broken."

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